
we're the bonded 6A'07 batch from ZHP
and we RULE:D


Beautiful Bali

Below is some pictures i've taken frm bali, the beautiful island in Indonesia. For those of you whose been there, this can bring back the happy memories; For those of you who hasn't been there before, your can visit durin the holidays. Hope ur like it!


~The beach
~Safari Park

~Bali street

~Indian temple

This is dedicated to Sunxue who wanted Jay Zhou's song. She told me about it and i suddenly remembered about this song. Since it's damn nice and teaches us a very important lesson, i chose it. Enjoy!

I'm here again peeps (:

Hey dudes and dudettes :D

March hols are coming. It's just another day. We just have to tolerate for one more day. Then finally we have freedom, but it's so short-lived.

Kay everybody jiayou for your studies and everything :DD I screwed my this term's results anw DD:


And please can I change the playlist to imeem? I said, I DON'T LIKE MYFLASHFETISH.

AND! If you don't want me to add any korean songs or whatsoever, please phrase it in a nicer way. I'm not tryin to DESTROY the blog >:[[[ Mind your words please. And you know who you are right, this is meant for you to see >:[

Okay nobody comes to this blog, only a pathetic few people are visiting it on a regular basis. Uhh.. Maybe you all can get more people to tag here. It's always the same old people tagging.

Yeah I've done crapping. Have a good weekend, have a nice march hol. Enjoy yourselves (: Take the opportunity to relax for a while.


Improving it

Thanks to ivory for improving the blog, the skin looks very clean and simple. But the words are a bit too light and small, I have to squint to look at the words. Poor me. Thus, i've improved further on it, hope ur like it! Let's do our best to improve this blog!!! 


Sports Day

Hello people. Next event: Zhonghua Sports Day. Dammit. I dunno whether to be happy or sad sia. My bro's consent form say 8am-12pm. Who's school ends at 8am? ==" Must be that SOMEONE trying to not allow ex-pupils back. Lets hope its a typo error in the consent form... >< If i remembered correctly, last year (and all the previous years) Sports Day was from 12pm to 5pm right? Moral of the story: Mr Chua is nice :D

Venue: Serangoon stadium.
Time: 8am - 12nn.... -.-
Date: 3rd April - Friday.

zz... 8am....


hi guys i changed the skin.
hope its okay for you guys.

simple and nice?!


To Ivory: CS

Foreshadowing: CS =X Ivory gets the point :D


To Ivory: CS

Foreshadowing: CS =X Ivory gets the point. :D

this blog is dead. 

Please tag, or get people to tag!!


Erm, the tagboard's is quite dead y'know. And I don't know exactly how many people visit this blog, at least occasionally. I don't see other people's tags anymore. There's only me, wenjia, sunxue and jeek's tags.

And I'm really making effort to post when I'm supposed to study now. I have spelling and maths test tomorrow, ACC test on Fri, and Chemistry test next Mon kayy. I didn't even post on my blog today.

Please get people to tag here. Or just kindly tag before you leave. OHH PLEASEEE!! Just one tag I also very happy already. And better still, give comments so that we can further improve on the blog. I will change the blogskin of this blog if I have time during the March hols. I'm not as free as you think okayy.

And if you don't like the song, you can just tell me. Suggest some other songs then I'll consider changing the song. But please kindly don't criticise DBSK even if you don't like them. JUST SHUT UP IF YOU DON'T RESPECT DONGBANG. I really don't like it. And wenjia, please mind your words about dongbang kayy.

Goshh, I really feel like I'm talking to the wall. Why am I saying all this rubbish when no one will read it since there's just a pathetic number of people who visit the blog. Somebody please tell the rest to tag the blog seriously. I'm getting really really pissed. Where have the spirit gone my dears?

Nvm, shan't talk about this kind of matters which will UPSET ME.

Well, there have been many rainbows recently since it kept raining and raining everyday. I'm sure you've all seen many too right, like me :DD

Here's a rainbow (: Actually there are 2, look carefully :D

And I found this lips very very cool :D Isn't it. I wonder how they make it like this (: The colours match very well too ((:

Okay I think I really should stop here or I would be flunking my tests and everyth. Hope that I won't be disappointed for the next few days. I REALLY WISH TO SEE TAGS FROM OTHER PEOPLE BESIDES WENJIA, SUNXUE, JEEK AND ME KAYY!



HAHAHAH hey peeps! (: As you can see, I've kinda edited the blog a bit. Or if you want to say, uhh.. A LOT?

So yarr. I've added some stuff like;

Quote of the day;
Daily Calendar;
and another picture :D

TEEHEEE :]] I've added a song (: It's Mirotic by DBSK♥ :]] Hahah I'm going to influence you people to like KPOP, AND DBSK!! So look out, there's more to come =DD

Ohh and do read the quote of the day, I find them quite meaningful, though. We can learn some lessons in life (:

The picture is so niceee righttt!!! It says "UNITY IS POWER 6A `07!" :DD Ohh I've also changed the titles of some gadgets? Do you call that gadgets? Gahh that was what I saw when I was editing the template.

And I shall change the blogskin soon, prehaps during the march hols? I have no time now, really.

School is crazy.
School is one of the worst things in the world.
School shouldn't even exist.

Well, I SIMPLY HATE SCHOOL DD:< What are teachers for? Nah, they don't teach properly [HAHAH Mrs Ng does :D], all they do is dump tons of work on you and expect you to finish everyth on time.

Gosh, I'm missing you all like hell now. The happy days and memories :(( Nvm. March hols are coming, but it's just a pathetic one week. HURHUR so wonderful right >:[[


Hey people, I know you're all stressed out too. RAWR who isn't? And I shall kill anybody who likes school for the homework, stress and stuff.


Well, life's like that. Some times full of fun and laughter; sometimes full of sorrow and tears. Make full use of your time. And most importantly, LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST!! Learn when to work hard and when to relax.

Don't just do homework and and study like hell, nor play all your time away.

Hahahah I sound so profound -.- Whatever. Conclusion: Don't be a second wenjia who only studies, nor a second kamting who only knows how to play and play and play.

AIYAH that's why I always rush my work all last minute DD: But that's my way of life :D

Off to the realistic world TT_________________TT


I just watched finish the first series of Hell Girl-Jigoku Shoujo. It is about a website known as "Hell Correspondence" which may only be accessed at midnight by one who harbors a desire for revenge against their object of hatred. Should someone submit the name of someone against whom they bear a grudge or immense hatred, the Jigoku Shōjo (Hell Girl) will offer them a straw doll with a red string wound around its neck. If the string is pulled, she will ferry the target of the revenge straightaway to Hell. However, to do that, the client must agree that when their life has ended, he/she will go to hell. Sometimes, Ai shows them the consequences of going to hell; there is constant pain and suffering and they will wander for eternity.

It was damn sad at the end, many ppl watched to the end and cried (including me!). Holiday is coming so i highly recommend everyone go and watch. The trailer is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofIl6PWLY8g.

And one more thing, those who have the pw, PLS try as hard as u can to update this blog cause its like dying out. I've been quite busy recently so i didn't really update. If no one care about this blog, it will really be sent to hell so おれがいします(please-onegaishimasu). Those who dun hav the pw, TAG REGULARLY!!!
