
we're the bonded 6A'07 batch from ZHP
and we RULE:D


Great Job, Jeek!

Hmmm, I am glad you came up with the blog so promptly. So efficient, unlike your usual self when it came to homework. BTW, I must thank you on the behalf of all the 6A geeks. I will definitely miss you people. You have been really gwai the past two years. It has been a great experience for me. I love all of you for different reasons.

E.g. Jass for her excellent conduct, impeccable work, and for not giving any trouble for the past 700 over days. Jia Ling for giving me the chance to explain the math problems, or I would be out of job. Ha, ha just joking. Jia Ling has been well-behaved like Jass, plus she has written some good essays for our enjoyment. Jaya for being there when I needed him, he's so full of initiative. Neigh! That's what comes to my mind when I hear you guys go, "Maer, Maer!" BTW what does your mum call you, Maverick? You have been very candid and fun-loving. You have brought much fun and laughter to the class. I can see that your friends enjoy your company. YingZhen for being such an unassuming Head Prefect. Mrs Goh was just telling me this morning that for the first time in the last ten years, she hasn't received any complaint from any teacher that the head prefect or assistant head prefect has become cocky after being appointed. YZ has made me proud several times. WARNING! DO NOT be deceived by Hazel's appearance. She may seem aloof or nonchalent. However, if you get to know her better, you will soon realise that she can be very warm, not HOT, mind you! I only realised it in Sept 2007. Kim San got a taste of it. Hope Hazel will 'open her door' to some of you. Of course it is not just about her temperature, there are other qualities like ....(it's for you to find out). Jin Hui hasn't opened his door to me yet, but I appreciate the fact that he did not give me any behavioural problems. He has been cordial to everyone. I am sure all of you know that my fav. past time is eating. One of my favourite local food is Satay. Homework aside, I must admit that he is very adorable. I wish those unpleasant events did not take place. Please let bygones be bygones. Also, I hope I did not make U feel lousy when I joked about your height. I joked about it because I know it is not something permanent. You will shoot up when the time comes. Janice is like a white mouse. She is so pleasant and easy-going. I am sure those who have got the chance to get close to her agree with me. I appreciate gwai pupils like her, JL, Jass the more when I have to deal with rude pupils or rascals. Glad I don't have that many in this batch. Pavithra, I am glad to observe, has been healthier in recent weeks. Nothing beats seeing a full class coming to school. I must say I appreciate the good effort you have put in your work and your contributions. Ok, I must go for a break now that I have hit the 25% mark. I will continue another day with the other three groups.

Comments anyone?

Yo..Its been a 3 days and no 1's posting comments....so pls quickly post comment n when Jeekin and I get the C-Box, we will telephone or SMS everyone. There will be polls every week and of course we hope everyone can participate in it.Once again, congratulating everyone for getting over post exam stress and getting into post exam party-time, best not to spend to much time onuter and worsen your eyesight.....

Maverick here..


The Class Photo..........

6A Members: (from left to right)

Top Row: Janice, Kam Ting, Jia Hwan, Fiona, Shu Qing, Kim San, Hazel,Quan Rui, Maverick,

Wei Xiang, Jin Hui, Jun Xiong, Marcus, Sutherssan

2nd Row: Sun Xue, Jia Ling, Jassandra, Vanessa, Sara, Yi Fan, Chu Yu, Shermaine, Liu Chao

Wei Han, Ren Xiang, Raphael, Ryan Ang, Aaron, Ryan Tan, Yao Jie.

Last Row: Ying Zhen, Pavithra, Simone , Wen Jia, Ivory, Mrs Ng!!, Brandon, Jeekin, Zhi Yong,

Axl, Jaya.....
3rd Row: Ying Zhen, Pavithra, Simone, Wen Jia, Ivory,MRS. NG!!!!, Brandon, Jee Kin, Zhi Yong

Axl, Jaya.........


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A new blog is born

Heh....this blog is created officially on 26/10/2007 11.37am....
After adding the C-Box..plz leave tags and visit this blog often...